Really dig the article. A lot of quotable lines!

Side question - do you think posting the process will be a normalized practice in the future?

I feel like seeing the intellectual process of how you change the draft is really interesting - and to me it feels like the prompt and the alterations are very much a part of what the author is conveying.

It’s almost like the key words, what to include, etc are the “special sauce” of the final product.

It also helps to show the work necessary for Copyrights new AI

Guidelines :P

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I suspect this won't become normalized practice as it takes quite a lot of time, effort, and forethought. But to me it's an important part of showing where the ideas and content come from

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Thanks Andrew, a really helpful articulation of something I've been struggling with at a personal as opposed to an academic level. What is meant by learning and the role of research and writing in this. I recently shared a book Becoming HumAIn: A Path to Flourishing Together which I did before Deep Research was available but was very much me interacting in an intellectual dialogue with LLM's. Happy to share if interested and also have an audiobook read by my AI clone!

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Please do!

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Very interesting indeed. Thanks.

I found this bit of insight particularly "telling": "The process was illuminating. It forced me to engage with literature I wasn’t familiar with, and learn along the way. It also demonstrated the value of the craft of the “artisanal intellectual” (i.e. me in this context) in assessing and building on the raw material produced by Deep Research."

I repeatedly found this observation to be true in my research. Informational tangents appeared (that I really didn't know) and sparked my interest (imagination) to explore the subject further. Some are dead ends - interesting but not applicable to the topic at hand. Others have pointed out paths I might not have found.

“It may be that you are not yourself luminous, but that you are a conductor of light." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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