Well said! “ And yet, if I am being honest, the AI hosts aren’t that different from many human voices to be found in podcast space and on social media, where an engaging format, compelling storytelling and a superficial and somewhat cavalier attitude toward the truth, leads to similar content.

In this respect, NotebookLM is scarily good at emulating very human online content which is equally untrustworthy.”

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I’m glad you acknowledged a very basic error commonly made in relation to AI hallucinations, specifically the way AI makes things up as being uniquely bad when it’s so obviously the case that human beings often lie and make up stuff so it’s a bit ridiculous how many old AI to standard that? No humans even meet in terms of honesty or very rarely.

And indeed to your point, this is exactly what makes the notebook LM quite compelling, not only in how human like it sounds and how engaging it is I have to admit I actually feel things and laugh at it how engaging it is and ironically the little bit it does sort of take liberties with and make up arguably are not so cool AI mistakes but make it even more like us in those mistakes and stuff it makes up because humans are pretty awful at making up things and hating themselves if we are honest which some people have a bit of difficulty in doing, but I’m glad you are at least

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5 hrs agoLiked by Andrew Maynard

In the near future, it may be that there will be few commodities more valuable to humans than genuine, certified, artisanal, human-generated content. Everything else will be suspect; potentially subtly full of influences to which one did not intend to expose oneself.

Carson Johnston's recent post on user agency picks up on some of the same themes you do regarding anthropomorphism:


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Thanks Mark -- I agree. And great connection with Carson's post which I think is essential reading here!

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